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SEO and Mobile Shopping

As mentioned in an earlier post, mobile shopping is on the rise, predicted to double in four short years. The problem is that the mobile experience is horribly lacking, particularly in the area of optimization. Buyers spend 20% more time shopping via mobile devices, but end up spending only a sixth of what they do on desktops. Many are abandoning their carts in frustration because mobile commerce should be more convenient, but just doesn’t offer the same quality results. Sellers who cannot be part of the big chunk of time that consumers spend on their mobile devices are losing out on 65% of potential sales.

SEO and Mobile Shopping

As mentioned in an earlier post, mobile shopping is on the rise, predicted to double in four short years. The problem is that the mobile experience is horribly lacking, particularly in the area of optimization. Buyers spend 20% more time shopping via mobile devices, but end up spending only a sixth of what they do on desktops. Many are abandoning their carts in frustration because mobile commerce should be more convenient, but just doesn’t offer the same quality results. Sellers who cannot be part of the big chunk of time that consumers spend on their mobile devices are losing out on 65% of potential sales.

The good news for Amazon vendors is that the fully optimized Amazon app is drawing these shoppers away from other stores who are as yet unprepared to offer the best mobile experience. This means that the market is ready, but the question is whether vendors are set to receive the incoming flood of around half of all mobile shoppers. Many vendors have become quite adept at optimizing their listings for e-commerce desktop users, and it is now time to get started on perfecting these listings for m-commerce.

The Mobile Experience


mobile shoppers

One of the key elements in optimizing Amazon listing content for mobile users is consideration for the mobile experience. Basically, mobile devices have smaller screens, and mobile users have less time. These two main points affect m-commerce in very similar ways. For instance, it is tiresome to try to read through long descriptions on a mobile device, and mobile users are usually on the go, and cannot spare the extra few minutes that it would take to get through a listing to find what they are looking for. Because these users are normally busy doing something else while browsing, they are more likely to select a product that can show them the most important information upfront. An optimized m-commerce Amazon listing therefore presents clear and concise information that these users can easily accommodate.

Optimizing for Mobile


Keywords are still a very important component of your m-commerce listing text. The Amazon App search feature uses them in much the same way as the desktop version does to identify the closest matching products. The trick here is to add your relevant keywords in a shorter format. It may be tempting to use all the available characters, but this can dilute your content and bore your typical mobile shopper.

You should look for a balance here:

  1. Focus on the main key words and phrases that rank the highest for searches.
  2. Incorporate another one or two in a straightforward description of your product’s main benefits.
  3. Incorporate another one or two in your best use cases.
  4. Incorporate another one or two in your best examples.
  5. Incorporate one or two in a tagline, or a summarized version of your brand mission.

This is a basic suggestion, but you should feel free to play around with the text to get the most coherent and complete whole. The elements can be combined in your five sentences as you see fit to aid in emphasizing your product’s best features and strongest selling points.


Your product titles will render differently on mobile than they do on desktop. Most often, titles will be shortened to save space, so you will need to arrange your titles so that the most important words are at the beginning. These can be your best keywords, or your brand name if it is a popularly searched term. Coherence is better than cramming, so you should develop short phrases of four words on average and separate these with commas so that readers won’t get confused.

Writing Copy

Once you have your sentences with keywords, it is important to check for readability. Pay close attention to the proper placement of these keywords so that they aid comprehension rather than cloud it. Next, make sure that the text flows together nicely from one point to the next so that they can get all the information effortlessly. You want them to be able to skim through at least this first and most essential part of your listing. If the text is disorganized or distracting, mobile users will rarely take a second look to understand it better, and will leave without the great takeaway that will hook them into buying from you.

Formatting Text

ecommerce mobile seo

There are two main sections in an Amazon listing, the Features and Details and the Product Description. The first section is where you should separate your five content elements above into bullet points. This makes it easier for the mobile reader to take in small chunks of information at a time, facilitating faster comprehension. Bolding, italicizing, and using all caps for the most important words and phrases further enhances your customers’ experience.

The Description will most often not be read by mobile shoppers. However, if you were able to capture their attention above, they may decide to read on. This usually means that they are serious about making a purchase. To keep them keen on your product, is best to use the same formatting strategy in your Description so that readers can still skim through to pick up the salient points. Since this section will have much longer text than above, use line breaks to separate your paragraphs. This works in the same way as using bullet points in the above. Saving one format type, such as all caps, for prefacing points will also help mobile users to absorb your content more easily to keep them interested for the close.

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